Our Services

Our Departments

Our Healthcare Departments

We cover ALL Medical Departments Emergency, ICU, Internal, Psych, Surgery, Children, Orthopedic, Genecology.

Assistance Coordination

Navigate insurance complexities effortlessly. Our dedicated team assists in coordinating insurance matters in various languages, providing peace of mind throughout

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Accommodation Assistance for Medical

Focus on your health while we take care of the logistics. Our travel experts ensure smooth and stress-free journeys for

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Medical Consultation

Navigate your health journey with confidence! Our expert team provides personalized medical consultations in many languages, to address your concerns

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Doctor Home Visits

Ease your travel experience with our Doctor Home Visits tailored for tourists: Whether you’re exploring the city or relaxing in

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Do you require hospitalization? Let us do the talking! Experience seamless and compassionate hospitalization services with us. From admission to

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Road Assistance

Anywhere & Anytime a Mechanic is here for you. Whether you are in Israel or in the Palestinian Authorities –

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